Driving a vehicle requires utmost discipline andfocus on the roads. According to a survey, the majority of road accidents occurdue to the negligence of the driver. The minimal portion accounts for bad roads and other factors.
In the above statement, by the word"negligence," it is not always the case where the driver broke theroad rules, such as not wearing the seat belt or overtaking other vehicles, or not following traffic rules. In a different perspective, it also includes the type of maintenance regime the person follows for their vehicle. It has been proved that regular checking of the machines of an automobile can highly prevent the dysfunction of the vital parts of it.
Instances are present where the engine has shutdown for unknown reasons, the brake has failed, or the gear has gone out ofcontrol, and even the steering is hard to turn.
All these are the results of poor servicing of the machine.
Vehicle belts are a reason for the smoothfunctioning of the same. Seat belts are great guards. But here, two other kindsof belts are essential in this scenario; serpentine belts and timing belts.
The serpentine belt winds the engine andtransfers power to many vital parts such as the air conditioner system,alternator system, and power steering system. If the serpentine belt fails to work or something wrong with it, the steering wheel becomes hard to turn around. It can lead to accidents on roads.
The timing belt is a synchronizing one. Itadjusts the actions of the camshaft and the crankshaft. Any issue with it mayfail in the engine to start.
Some Common Signs To Keep in Mind While Driving
Now there are sure signs that one needs toobserve while driving. Those can give a clear view of what are those two beltsdoing:
1. The engine gives off some strange tickingnoises.
2. The engine is getting difficult to start, andalso it gets difficult to turn the steering.
3. If something is wrong with the timing belt,there will be some oil leak near the motor.
4. The exhaust is not as usual. In times ofconcern, the exhaust may show blackened smoke coming out of it.
5. The headlights are also indicators. They will bedim in case of damage to the serpentine belt.
If these above points are noticeable, it is hightime to change the belts for the better. We must remember that "the earlier,the better."
A good service is necessary for this matter. AsI noted, belts are vital for the actual running of the vehicle, so theirmaintenance must be professional.
Sibham belting, an automotive belts dealer in UAE, is an example of global leaders'professional check-ups and repair services. They have already excelled in thefields of power transmission products as well as conveyor belts (to name a few).
They already hold feedback from being a providerof excellent quality products that sustain longer in harsh conditions. Theyhave a great hold on automotive belts, industrial timing belts, motorcycles, housing appliances, variable speed belts, and many more of such industries.